

Date: 2016-07-14

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: exosome technology with potential application as a blood test to detect or monitor cancer

Company: Peregrine Pharmaceuticals (USA - CA) University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center (USA - TX)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Diagnostic

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diagnostic test. Tumor derived exosomes are released into the blood as tumors grow. These exosomes have phosphatidylserine (PS) on their surface as a detectable marker. It is believed that even small tumors begin to release PS-positive exosomes and thus the ability to detect these exosomes in the blood may be an indicator of the presence of a tumor. The new technology licensed by Peregrine relates to assays that are able to detect small amounts of PS-exosomes in a patient blood sample as a way to potentially detect cancer at a very early stage of development. Preliminary studies have demonstrated that the levels of PS-positive exosomes present in the blood of cancer patients are higher than levels found in the blood of healthy volunteers. Furthermore, study findings also suggest that there is a correlation between the level of PS-positive exosomes detected in the blood of cancer patients and disease burden.



* On July 14, 2016, Peregrine Pharmaceuticals announced that the company has entered into an exclusive licensing agreement with University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center for a novel exosome technology that has potential application as a simple blood test to detect or monitor cancer. The company intends to develop a novel cancer test utilizing internal expertise and then pursue revenue-generating partnering opportunities at an early stage of development.
Together, the Peregrine and Avid Bioservices teams have the existing infrastructure, staff and expertise to develop, optimize and validate a functional assay capable of detecting PS-positive exosomes from a blood sample. Given the company's extensive experience in developing assays of this type, Peregrine does not anticipate the need to add personnel or any specialized equipment for this project. The company intends to establish clinical proof-of-concept for the test and expects to initiate partnering discussions for the program in 2017.
"One of the most exciting aspects of this technology is the potential synergy that it offers with our ongoing bavituximab clinical development program. Through our ongoing work with bavituximab, we have gained significant understanding of PS-mediated immunosuppression in cancer," said Joseph Shan, MPH, vice president, clinical and regulatory affairs of Peregrine. "The availability of a PS-specific biomarker which can be implemented in our planned future bavituximab clinical trials aligns nicely with our refocused bavituximab development strategy aimed at generating the most meaningful data possible from small, early stage clinical trials to support partnering efforts."

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