

Date: 2015-09-30

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: therapeutic companion solution for women afflicted with breast cancer

Company: Voluntis (France) Roche (Switzerland)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: breast cancer


* On September 30, 2015, Roche and Voluntis  announced that they have signed an agreement to develop a companion solution that will help women afflicted with breast cancer better manage their medical care in their day-to-day lives. This solution will couple medical device software and, when suitable, telemedicine services. Prescribed by care-teams as an extension of treatment, it will help patients better manage their symptoms. These symptoms will be entered manually by the patient or collected automatically through connected objects in a mobile app. The data will then be automatically analyzed and sent via Internet to the patient’s medical team, which will remotely ensure personalized follow-up. Patients will then be pushed tailored recommendations to adjust their treatment thanks to the algorithmic intelligence integrated in the heart of the mobile and cloud solution.

This project is the result of a thorough discussion conducted with all stakeholders: patients, oncologists, nurses, network coordinators, medical societies, pharmacists, cancer center directors, public and private payers. They will also participate in every step of the development. The medical, organizational and economic benefits of this companion solution will be evaluated by a clinical study in France through several centers. Subsequently, Roche and Voluntis could expand their approach for other types of cancer.


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Is general: Yes