

Date: 2016-11-04

Type of information: Opening of new premises

Compound: Nantong pharmaceutical plant

Company: Merck KGaA (Germany)

Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular diseases - Metabolic diseases - Endocrinological diseases - Hormonal diseases

Type agreement:

opening of new premises

Action mechanism:



* On November 4, 2016, Merck KGaA inaugurated its € 170 million Nantong pharmaceutical plant, which is dedicated to producing high-quality pharmaceuticals on China’s Essential Drug List. At the inauguration ceremony, Merck also announced a further investment of around € 80 million in a Life Science Center near the
Nantong pharmaceutical plant to manufacture high-purity inorganic salts, cell culture media products as well as ready-to-use media. The initial € 80 million investment in the pharmaceutical plant was already announced in 2013 and has been realized. The additional investment of € 90 million announced  represents the next phase of Merck’s pharmaceutical production plans for China to meet forecast increased demand for medicines to be produced at the site.

The first drugs from the Nantong pharmaceutical plant are expected to be delivered to patients in the second half of 2017. The Nantong pharmaceutical manufacturing site will focus on the production of Glucophage®, Euthyrox® and Concor®, Merck’s leading brands for the treatment of the major chronic diseases diabetes, thyroid disorders and cardiovascular diseases. With the next investment of € 90 million announced, the facility is designed to accommodate full production capacity of up to 10 billion tablets a year by 2021.
The pharmaceutical manufacturing site currently employs 180 people and the workforce is expected to increase to more than 400 by 2021. The Nantong site is designed to comply with the highest international standards in terms of quality, environment, health and safety. The site has invested in standard-setting wastewater treatment and disposal aimed at minimizing the environmental footprint of its operation to the local communities.

Along with the investment of around € 80 million by the Life Science business sector of Merck, this adds up to a total of investment of € 250 million in its production value chain in China to create betteraccess to health. These strategic investments further support Merck's expansion in China, which is expected to become the world’s second-largest pharmaceutical market by 2018, and enables the company to support the goals of China’s 13th Five
Year Plan by investing in technology and developing local talent.

Financial terms:

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