

Date: 2016-08-31

Type of information: Restructuring


Company: Veloxis Pharmaceuticals (Denmark) Veloxis Pharmaceuticals (USA

Therapeutic area: Transplantation - Renal diseases - Kidney diseases

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* On August 31, 2016, Veloxis Pharmaceuticals has completed the closure of its office in Hørsholm, Denmark. This closure was previously announced on 9 March 2016 as part of a company restructuring to move all activities to the United States.

* On April 6, 2016, Veloxis Pharmaceuticals announced that Johnny Stilou will step down as EVP & Chief Financial Officer as part of the Company's decision to close down all Danish activities and move to the US. Johnny Stilou will remain with the Company until the end of August 2016 to secure the transition of activities to the US.
* On March 9, 2016, Veloxis Pharmaceuticals has decided to close its office in Hørsholm, Denmark, and move all activities to the U.S. where most of the company's current activities is already located. The process is expected to be completed during the second half of 2016.Veloxis will continue to be a Danish company listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen.

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Is general: Yes