

Date: 2015-07-21

Type of information: Distribution agreement

Compound: Iluvien®

Company: Alimera Sciences (USA - GA) Knight Therapeutics (Canada)

Therapeutic area: Ophtalmological diseases

Type agreement: distribution

Action mechanism:

  • corticosteroid. Iluvien® (fluocinolone acetonide intravitreal implant) 0.19 mg is a sustained release intravitreal implant that releases sub-microgram levels of fluocinolone acetonide for up to 36 months for the treatment of chronic diabetic macular edema . The implant provides a therapeutic effect of up to 36 months by delivering sustained sub-microgram levels of fluocinolone acetonide. Iluvien® is injected in the back of the patient's eye to a position that takes advantage of the eye's natural fluid dynamics. The applicator employs a 25-gauge needle, which allows for a self-sealing wound.

Disease: chronic diabetic macular edema (DME)


  • • On July 21, 2015, Alimera Sciences announced that it has signed an exclusive agreement with Knight Therapeutics, a leading Canadian specialty pharmaceutical company, for the distribution in Canada of Iluvien®, Alimera's sustained release intravitreal implant for the treatment of diabetic macular edema. Under the terms of this agreement, Knight will also handle all regulatory and commercial activities for Iluvien® in Canada . Iluvien® currently is not approved for sale in Canada .

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes