

Date: 2016-07-25

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: SelectMDx™ for Prostate Cancer

Company: MDxHealth (Belgium) Cerba HealthCare Belgium

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Diagnostic

Type agreement:


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biomarker/diagnostic test. The novel biomarkers that make up SelectMDx were discovered by Prof. Dr. Jack Schalken, original developer of the PCA3 assay, and his team at the Department of Urology at Radboud University Medical Center in the Netherlands. The SelectMDx test was designed to address an unmet need in the stratification of patients at risk for potentially lethal high-grade prostate cancer compared to those with low-grade cancer. In clinical studies, SelectMDx has been shown to outperform PCA3, improving the information available to urologists seeking to further reduce unnecessary invasive biopsy procedures.

Disease: prostate cancer


* On July 25, 2016, MDxHealth and Cerba HealthCare Belgium announced that they have signed a Collaboration Agreement to bring MDxHealth's SelectMDx™ for Prostate Cancer test to urology practitioners in France, Belgium and Luxembourg. Under the terms of this two-year agreement, Cerba HealthCare Belgium will offer the SelectMDx test through its laboratory network in France, Belgium and Luxembourg. During the initial phase of the agreement, samples will be analyzed at MDxHealth's service-testing laboratory in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The agreement will then move into a second phase, whereby the SelectMDx test will be transferred to the Molecular Biology Department of Cerba HealthCare's laboratory CRI in Zwijnaarde, Belgium.

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Is general: Yes