

Date: 2015-12-03

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Zealand Pharma (Denmark)

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* On December 3, 2015, Zealand Pharma announced the appointment of Carlos de Sousa to the position as Senior Vice President, Chief Business Officer. Carlos de Sousa has joined Zealand as a new member of the Senior Management team with effect from 1 December 2015. Carlos de Sousa brings extensive experience and a vast contact network from numerous senior management positions in the international pharmaceutical and biotech industries, including roles at Nycomed/Takeda, Pfizer, Novartis, BBB Therapeutics and Newron Pharmaceuticals Throughout his career, he has worked extensively with business development including in-licensing, partnering, mergers and acquisition, corporate leadership, strategy, marketing and medical affairs. Carlos de Sousa is a Medical Doctor by training and holds an executive MBA from the Stern School of Business, New York.

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Is general: Yes