

Date: 2016-05-17

Type of information: Nomination


Company: ALK Abello (Denmark)

Therapeutic area: Allergic diseases

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* On May 17, 2016, ALK  announced that the Board of Directors has appointed Carsten Hellmann as the new President and CEO of the company.  Carsten Hellmann is currently CEO of Merial and Executive Vice President and member of the Executive Committee of Sanofi. Before joining Sanofi, Carsten Hellmann held executive positions in global health care and biopharmaceutical companies including Chr. Hansen and Nunc Group. Carsten Hellmann is a Danish citizen, born in 1964.
After a successful turn-around of Merial, Sanofi decided to divest the company to Boehringer-Ingelheim and Carsten Hellmann will complete this divestment before he takes up the position as President and CEO of ALK which will happen no later than 1 January 2017. Steen Riisgaard will continue to take on extended operational responsibilities until Carsten Hellmann is released from Sanofi.

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Is general: Yes