

Date: 2015-07-21

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: Double Switch technology

Company: Sygnis (Germany) Thermo Fisher Scientific (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Sygnis’ Double Switch technology is based on a protease tobacco etch virus protease (TEV protease) deriving from a plant virus. TEV protease has virtually no targets in the human proteome and therefore does not cause any damage to mammalian cells. The highly sequence specific TEV protease is a very useful tool for the analysis of protein-protein interactions as it cleaves fused proteins with simultaneous activation of a specific protein-coding.



* On July 21 st , 2015, Sygnis announced that the company is has signed a non-exclusive worldwide license agreement for Double Switch technology with Thermo Fisher Scientific. Under the terms of the agreement, Sygnis has granted Thermo Fisher non-exclusive global rights to develop, to market and to sell products and services for the detection and analysis of protein interactions in vivo based on its proprietary Double Switch technology to researchers working in the field of proteomics.

Financial terms:

Financial details were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes