

Date: 2016-05-23

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: cancer therapeutics based on antisense technology

Company: Ionis Pharmaceuticals (USA - CA) MD Anderson Cancer Center (USA - TX)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

antisense drug



* On May 23, 2016, Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center announced the formation of a strategic alliance to discover and develop novel cancer therapeutics. Combining advances made with Ionis’ antisense technology, which provides enhanced potency for effectively engaging targets in solid and liquid tumors, with MD Anderson’s expertise will allow Ionis and MD Anderson to develop novel therapeutic strategies to treat patients with a variety of cancers. In the collaboration, Ionis and MD Anderson will work together to validate novel undruggable cancer targets selected based on human genomic data. Ionis will lead the drug discovery efforts against mutually agreed upon novel targets and MD Anderson will lead development activities through clinical proof of concept. Following clinical proof of concept, Ionis and MD Anderson plan to identify a partner to complete development and to commercialize each drug with Ionis leading business development efforts.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes