

Date: 2016-06-07

Type of information: Exercise of an option agreement

Compound: HER2neu vaccine technology

Company: Tapimmune (USA - FL) Mayo Clinic (USA - MN)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:

exercise of an option agreement

Action mechanism:

immunotherapy product/therapeutic vaccine. 

Disease: breast cancer


* On June 7, 2016, TapImmune announced that the Company has exercised its option agreement with Mayo Clinic and signed a worldwide license agreement to a proprietary HER2neu vaccine technology. The license gives TapImmune the right to develop and commercialize the technology in any cancer indication in which the Her2neu antigen is overexpressed. This technology, developed in the laboratory of Keith Knutson, Ph.D. at Mayo Clinic, has completed Phase 1 clinical trials in HER2neu breast cancer patients.

TapImmune recently announced positive Phase 1 clinical data for the technology in HER2neu breast cancer. The trial demonstrated that the experimental therapy was safe, well-tolerated, and provided a robust immune response across a broad patient population. Therefore, TapImmune plans to initiate a Phase 2 clinical trial at the start of 2017. Under the license agreement the Investigational New Drug (IND) application filed with the FDA covering the clinical trial will be transferred to TapImmune.

Dr. Glynn Wilson TapImmune’s CEO stated “This agreement confirms our intent to further develop and commercialize TPIV 100 and TPIV 110, our novel HER2neu vaccine technology. The HER2neu antigen is a well-established therapeutic target. Our immediate plans are to complete development of a Phase 2 vaccine formulation and to establish clinical protocols for Phase 2 studies. We are excited by the recent Phase 1 data and our future clinical programs will be aimed at developing this leading vaccine candidate as a stand-alone therapy or in combination with other immunotherapies.”

Mayo Clinic and Dr. Knutson have a financial interest in the technology described in this press release. Revenue Mayo receives is used to support its not-for-profit mission in patient care, education and research.


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