

Date: 2016-03-31

Type of information: Termination of the agreement

Compound: Zalmoxis® - investigational cell therapy product TK

Company: Molmed (Italy) Takara Bio (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Rare diseases

Type agreement:

termination of the agreement

Action mechanism:

gene therapy/cell therapy. TK is an investigational cell therapy product, based on the use of genetically engineered donor T cells in association with bone marrow transplants from healthy donors, and particularly from partially compatible family donors (haplo2 transplants), for the cure of high-risk leukaemia. Add-backs of TK has the potential to allow the retention of immune-protection and anti-leukaemia effects of donor T cells, while promptly controlling and abrogating the possible onset of GvHD. The TK product has been granted Orphan Drug designation in both the EU and the US.



* On March 31, 2016, MolMed and Takara Bio agreed on discontinuing their long lasting collaboration on TK (Zalmoxis®) by terminating all the related agreements, as Takara has not been able to produce the results planned by MolMed for the development and commercialization of the TK therapy in Asian countries. In particular, the termination concerns the “Master Licence Agreement” that MolMed and Takara signed in 2003, under which MolMed granted Takara an exclusive license on MolMed’s know-how, data materials and patents related to TK.
Pursuant to the terms of this termination agreement, MolMed will regain all commercial rights of Zalmoxis® in Asian territories that could further be transferred to other third parties with no outstanding obligations to Takara. The parties owe no outstanding royalties and any payment settled under the agreements prior to termination date, shall not be reimbursable.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes