

Date: 2016-03-31

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Txcell (France)

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* On March 31, 2016, TxCell announced the appointment of its new Scientific Advisory Board and its primary responsibilities. The board will be chaired by Professor Zelig Eshhar, from the Weizmann Institute of science in Rehovot and from the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center in Israel. Professor Eshhar pioneered the CAR (Chimeric Antigen Receptor) approach. His achievements have been recognized by several international awards, including the CAR Pioneering award by the ATTACK European Consortium, the Teva and Massry prizes and, most recently, the Israel Prize in life sciences. Professor Eshhar was the first scientist to demonstrate the therapeutic potential of Chimeric Antigen Receptor-engineered Regulatory T (CAR-Treg) cells in models of intestinal inflammation in mice. He is also the inventor of a patent application protecting the use of CAR-Treg cells for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. The patent application is under exclusive licensing option to TxCell.  The first two other members of the scientific advisory board will be Professor Chiara Bonini from the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Italy, and Doctor Bernard Malissen from Marseille-Luminy Immunology Center (CIML) in Marseille, France. Both Prof. Bonini and Dr. Malissen are European leaders in the field of T cell immunology. 
The fundamental purpose of the scientific advisory board will be to monitor the research and development of TxCell’s ASTrIA (Antigen Specific Treg for Inflammation and Autoimmunity) and ENTrIA (Engineered Treg for Inflammation and Autoimmunity) platforms and to provide guidance where necessary. TxCell will also lever the extensive combined expertise of the SAB to further improve its knowledge of Treg cell biology and to further accelerate the development of TxCell’s existing and future drug-candidates. 

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Is general: Yes