

Date: 2016-02-02

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Oasmia Pharmaceutical (Sweden)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Veterinary medicine

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* On February 2, 2016, Oasmia Pharmaceutical announced that the company has strengthened the team with Dr. Ulf Jungnelius M.D. as Senior Medical Advisor, to bolster the clinical research and development capabilities of the company’s suite of both commercialized and next generation oncology products. Dr. Jungnelius possesses a strong background in oncology clinical research and development with key leading roles at a number of major oncology pharmaceutical companies including Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Celgene and others.
In order to meet future challenges and ensure continued market growth, the Company’s executive management team will now consist of Executive Chairman Julian Aleksov, Chief Executive Officer Mikael Asp, Executive Vice President Anders Blom, and Chief Operating Officer Amir Tatarevic. The group is also tasked with identifying a new Chief Financial Officer to replace current CFO Anders Lundin, who is resigning effective March 31, 2016 to pursue other opportunities.

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Is general: Yes