

Date: 2014-12-15

Type of information: Nomination

Compound: chairman of the board of directors

Company: Atox Bio (Israel)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement: nomination

Action mechanism:



  • • On December 15, 2014,  Atox Bio announced that it appointed biotech veteran Daniel D. Burgess as its Chairman of the Board of Directors. Mr. Burgess was founder, President and CEO of Rempex Pharmaceuticals, an antibiotic company that was sold to the Medicines Company in a transaction valued at up to $475 million. Previously, Mr. Burgess was President and CEO of Mpex Pharmaceuticals, a company that advanced an inhaled antibiotic for cystic fibrosis into Phase 3 before it was acquired by Aptalis Inc. in 2011. Mr. Burgess has also held senior executive positions at a number of other biotechnology companies and served as a Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Santarus. until its acquisition by Salix in 2014 for $2.7 billion.

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Is general: Yes