

Date: 2016-05-19

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: immunology research

Company: Chugai Pharmaceutical (Japan) Osaka University Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC) (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Immunological diseases

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Disease: immunological diseases


* On May 19, 2016, Osaka University and Chugai Pharmaceutical announced the conclusion of a comprehensive collaboration agreement for advanced research in immunology between the Osaka University Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC) and Chugai. This comprehensive collaboration will maintain an academic environment that allows researchers at IFReC to focus on basic research originating from their own ideas, with the aim of contributing back to society the results of the advanced immunology research. Chugai will, according to the agreement, provide one billion yen (€ 8.1 million) per year for a period of 10 years in return for access to information on results relating to independent basic research projects at IFReC and the right of first refusal for joint research. In addition, a Collaboration Promotion Laboratory will be set up at IFReC to implement collaboration research toward clinical application. IFReC and Chugai aim to have five to ten joint research projects in progress constantly. The collaboration of two organizations at the top-level of research and technology in the world will seek to achieve significant results that contribute to the benefit of the medical community and human health around the world.

IFReC was selected for the World Premier International Research Center (WPI) Initiative Program initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in 2007 and launched at Osaka University in October 2007. Headed by Director Shizuo Akira, IFReC convenes approximately 30 of the world’s top-class principal investigators from Japan and overseas in the fields of immunology, live imaging and bioinformatics to conduct innovative immunological research. In March 2011, a new research building was completed on Osaka University’s Suita Campus providing superior research facilities and an international environment in which to focus on research. The research conducted by IFReC is of the highest standard and recognized globally, with papers published in major international journals and prestigious international prizes awarded to its researchers.


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