

Date: 2014-02-11

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: heme oxygenase inhibitors

Company: Selvita (Poland) Jagiellonian University (Poland)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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* On February 11, 2014, Selvita has signed an agreement with Jagiellonian University for the new oncology project supported by the grant funded by the National Centre for Research and Development. Selvita plays the role of a leader in this project. The aim of the project „New inhibitors of heme oxygenase-1 as potential anticancer drugs” is research and development of novel heme oxygenase inhibitors as potential anticancer agents. Currently available compounds do not present the satisfying level of specificity and bioavailability, therefore the development of new inhibitors would result in valuable tool compounds for scientific purposes and may be further explored as a promising clinical opportunity in oncology.

The research idea of this project is a result of a long lasting studies of the Medical Biotechnology Department group that showed the correlation between HO-1 and carcinogenesis as well as anticancer therapy. The budget of this project is nearly 4,2 MPLN. Selvita as a leader of a consortium will receive about 3,7 MPLN (1,4 MPLN would come directly to Selvita and the rest to Jagiellonian University; Selvita will invest about 0,5 MPLN). Project will be conducted within the years 2014-2016.

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Is general: Yes