

Date: 2016-02-04

Type of information: Opening of new premises


Company: Selvita (Poland)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement:

opening of new premises

Action mechanism:



* On February 4, 2016, Selvita has signed a contract for the lease of laboratory space in Poznan, Poland. The new site will be located at in the Wielkopolska Centre of Advanced Technologies and commence research activities in the summer of 2016. The initial laboratory space will amount to 5,500 sq. feet, which constitutes nearly 20% increase in Selvita laboratory space, compared to the current state with significant extension possibilities. Poznan facility will be the first Selvita research site outside Krakow and its opening will fulfill one of the strategic goals presented during Selvita’s IPO in December 2014.
At the beginning, Selvita plans to employ approx. 50 people in Poznan - mostly chemists and biologists - gradually increasing their number in subsequent periods. Ultimately, the facility in Poznan is meant to be the "second heart of Selvita", providing both contract services, as well as actively participating in internal R&D projects.
Selvita headquarters and the main laboratories with a research space of 30,000 sq. foot, are located in Krakow, Poland. In 2015, Selvita opened its subsidiaries in major biotech centers in the world – Selvita Inc. in the Greater Boston Area, in the San Francisco Bay Area in US and Selvita Ltd. in Cambridge, UK.

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Is general: Yes