

Date: 2014-11-04

Type of information: Nomination

Compound: chief medical officer

Company: Bind Therapeutics (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement: nomination

Action mechanism:



  • • On November 4, 2014, Bind Therapeutics  announced the appointment of Hagop Youssoufian, M.Sc., M.D., as chief medical officer. In this position, Dr. Youssoufian will be responsible for overseeing the clinical development and operations of BIND's internal pipeline. Edward Schnipper, M.D., who has been serving as interim CMO since January 2014, will continue in an advisory role. Dr. Youssoufian has more than 25 years of global, oncology-focused, clinical research and medical experience. Prior to joining Bind, Dr. Youssoufian served as Executive Vice President of Research and Development at Progenics Pharmaceuticals with responsibility for functions including medical affairs, drug safety, regulatory affairs and manufacturing. Dr. Youssoufian was previously President of Research and Development and Chief Medical Officer at Ziopharm Oncology. Prior to Ziopharm, Dr. Youssoufian held senior medical and R&D leadership positions of increasing responsibility at Lilly, Imclone Systems, Sanofi Aventis and BMS. Before joining industry, Dr. Youssoufian held a number of academic appointments focused on medical genetics and internal medicine including at the Baylor College of Medicine and at Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital.

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Is general: Yes