

Date: 2016-01-05

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Anthera Pharmaceuticals (USA - CA)

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* On January 5, 2016, Anthera Pharmaceuticals  announced the appointment of Craig Thompson as President and Chief Operating Officer.  In this role Mr. Thompson will oversee both of Anthera's late stage development programs and commercial preparation efforts.  Anthera also announced the appointment of Chuck Olson , D.Sc . to the position of Chief Technology Officer replacing Debra Odink , Ph.D. who will continue to support the company in a key advisory role.

Craig Thompson joins Anthera with over 20 years of experience in pharmaceutical development and commercialization.  Most recently he served as the COO for Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals where he oversaw the development and implementation of the commercial strategy as well as the business development and commercial manufacturing. Prior to Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals, he served as the Chief Commercial Officer for Trius Therapeutics resulting in the acquisition of Trius by Cubist Pharmaceuticals for over $700 million .  Prior to Trius Therapeutics , he held the position of Vice President, Specialty Care for Pfizer and previously held various positions of increasing responsibility with Pfizer. and Merck&Co.

Dr. Olson joined Anthera in April of 2010 and has accepted increasing roles of responsibility in our development organization since that time.  The transition of leadership of the manufacturing and technology programs to Dr. Olson reflects Anthera's continued effort to prepare for commercial launch of our two product development programs.  Dr. Olson has over 30 years of experience with clinical and commercial product development and manufacturing of large molecule therapeutics similar to blisibimod and Sollpura™.  With a significant early portion of his career as a Scientist at Genentech and Staff Scientist at Bayer, Dr. Olson subsequently held management positions with increasing levels of responsibility in technical operations roles at Onyx, BioMarin , Cell Genesys, Coherus Biosciences, NGM Biopharmaceuticals and Anthera Pharmaceuticals , where he helped with the commercialization of important therapeutic products such as Activase®, Xolair®, Increlex®, Kogenate®FS, Naglazyme® and Aldurazyme®. He has a bachelor's degree in biology and chemistry, a master's in chemistry and a doctorate in biochemistry.

Debra Odink , Ph.D., Anthera's previous Chief Technology Officer will remain with Anthera to provide continued leadership to Anthera's operational and manufacturing efforts.

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