

Date: 2015-06-08

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: Global Fertility Alliance

Company: Merck KGaA (Germany) Merck Serono (Germany) Illumina (USA - CA) Genea (Australia)

Therapeutic area: Fertility - Women health

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:



* On June 8, 2015, Merck KGaA announced the formation of the Global Fertility Alliance, a new collaboration to advance excellence in fertility technologies and processes within the assisted reproductive treatment (ART) laboratory. The alliance is a partnership between Merck Serono,, Illumina, a leader in developing and commercializing systems for analysis of genetic variation and function, and Genea which develops innovative fertility technologies. The alliance aims to improve the consistency in ART worldwide and addresses the need for more standardization of fertility processes within the ART laboratory. The three companies will launch their initiative at the 31st Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) in Lisbon, Portugal, on 13 June 2015.
With the establishment of the alliance, Merck Serono, Illumina and Genea emphasize their desire to help improve fertility outcomes by contributing to the standardization of technologies and protocols in ART labs. Currently, variation in practices and techniques can lead to inconsistent results and outcomes. Recognizing the importance of innovation in ART technologies the alliance aims to enhance progress and innovation in three ways:
Firstly, the founding members aim to foster integration of multiple, leading fertility technologies. Secondly, building on this, the alliance will aim to collaborate with leading health care professionals and medical societies to develop global standards. And finally, as technologies in the fertility space are rapidly advancing, the alliance will also develop
educational resources for health care professionals worldwide. These efforts will include training curricula and workshops as well as access to model labs, symposia and events at medical meetings.
In order to rapidly progress the initiative, Merck Serono, Illumina and Genea will actively contribute to the alliance and establish a board of representatives, which will meet regularly. At the same time, the companies invite new members, who demonstrate a consistent commitment to driving technology innovation and improving ART results, to
join the alliance.

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Is general: Yes