

Date: 2016-04-01

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: therapeutic peptide based on the CP&IP (Cell Penetrating & Interfering Peptides) platform

Company: PEP Therapy (France) Conectus Alsace (France)

Therapeutic area: Metabolic diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

peptide. The CPP (Cell Penetrating Peptides) platform is used as a shuttle to deliver drugs into the cell. These short interfering peptides are designed to specifically block relevant protein/protein interactions, thus inhibiting pathological mechanisms.


Disease: type 2 diabetes


* On April 1, 2016, PEP-Therapy and Conectus Alsace announced that they have joined forces to develope a new targeted therapeutic peptide for type 2 diabetes. The DiabetAlms project is led by Vincent Marion from the laboratory of medical genetics in Strasbourg (UMRS-1112 ; Unistra-Inserm - Institut de Génétique Médicale d’Alsace). Conectus Alsace will invest more than 400k€ in this project. PEP-Therapy will use its CP&IP (Cell Penetrating & Interfering Peptides) platform to design and develop a new therapeutic peptide directed against the specific target identified by Vincent Marion and Pr. Nikolai Petrovsky. PEP-Therapy has an exclusive option to license the drug candidates generated in the course of the collaboration.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes