

Date: 2016-04-14

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: "Nature Open Library"

Company: Pierre Fabre laboratories (France) VibioSphen (France)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement:



Action mechanism:

Nature Open Library is an Open Innovation program launched by Pierre Fabre Laboratories allowing them to share their expertise with innovative project initiators, from research and development to industrialization of plant active principles. In this context, Pierre Fabre Laboratories provide access to their private plant collection numbering over 15.000 classified samples. This collection has been developed in accordance with biodiversity access regulations (Rio Convention and Nagoya Protocol). A first partnership has been signed in February 2016 with the British biotechnology company Plasticell.



* On April 14, 2016, Pierre Fabre laboratories and VibioSphen, a young biotechnology company from the Toulouse region specializing in infectious diseases, announced the signature of a new partnership agreement within the framework of "Nature Open Library", a new and different Open Innovation program launched last December by Pierre Fabre to share its private plants' collection and its expertise of the whole phyto-industrial value chain with innovating companies from all sectors. VibioSphen will first screen Pierre Fabre's plants' collection, one of the most important in the industry, numbering over 15.000 classified samples and phyto-chemical compounds. Via this targeted screening, VibioSphen will try to identify new natural molecules which could be tested afterwards on several models of infectious diseases. Under the terms of the agreement, if this screening phase is carried out successfully, Pierre Fabre Laboratories will then become VibioSphen's preferred partners for the further development of identified molecules.

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Is general: Yes