

Date: 2015-12-03

Type of information: Production agreement

Compound: ASTrIA platform

Company: Txcell (France) Masthercell (Belgium)

Therapeutic area: Autoimmune diseases – Inflammatory diseases - Digestive diseases - Technology - Services

Type agreement:



Action mechanism:

cell therapy



* On December 3, 2015, TxCell announced it has signed a 5-year agreement with MaSTherCell, a CMO based in Belgium. MaSTherCell will be the exclusive manufacturer in Europe of all products from TxCell’s ASTrIA platform. TxCell already appointed MaSTherCell in July 2015 for the manufacturing of its lead product Ovasave® for the ongoing CATS29 phase 2b trial in refractory Crohn’s diseases patients. With the new agreement, the transfer of manufacturing will be extended to Col-Treg, TxCell’s second lead product. Col-Treg is expected to enter a clinical trial by the end of 2016 targeting non-infectious uveitis. Exclusivity will not apply to TxCell (as a potential manufacturer) nor to its future licensees. Other contractual terms and conditions were not disclosed.


Financial terms:

Latest news:

* On February 25, 2016, TxCell announced it has successfully concluded the most important milestone in the transfer of its manufacturing technology to MaSTherCell for the European manufacturing of TxCell’s product portfolio. MaSTherCell successfully completed the manufacturing of a series of contractually defined validation runs of Ovasave®. Validation runs are conducted as a test to demonstrate the capacity of a new manufacturing unit to manufacture products according to specifications.


Is general: Yes