

Date: 2016-02-26

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Swedish Orphan Biovitrum - SOBI (Sweden)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Hematological diseases

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* On February 26, 2016, Swedish Orphan Biovitrum  (Sobi) Chairman of the Board, Bo Jesper Hansen, MD, PhD, has informed the Sobi's nomination committee that he will not stand for re-election at the 2016 annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM). Bo Jesper Hansen has been Chairman of the Board since the merger of Biovitrum and Swedish Orphan International in 2010. During his tenure, Sobi has grown to become an international pioneer in rare diseases with a strong commercial footprint across Europe, North America, the Middle East and Russia.

The Nomination Committee will propose that the shareholders elect Håkan Björklund, PhD, as the new Chairman of the Board for Sobi. Håkan Björklund is the former CEO of Nycomed and currently serves as Industry Executive at Avista Capital Partners. He has served as a Member of the Board of Directors of several international life science companies including Alere, Coloplast, Danisco, and Lundbeck. Between 2001 and 2007, Håkan Björklund also served as member of the Board of Directors for Biovitrum.

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Is general: Yes