

Date: 2016-01-07

Type of information: Distribution agreement

Compound: Relistor®, Deflux®, Solesta®

Company: Swedish Orphan Biovitrum - SOBI (Sweden) - PharmaSwiss (Switzerland)

Therapeutic area: Digestive diseases - Gastrointestinal diseases - Urological diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: opioid-induced constipation (OIC), vesicoureteral reflux,faecal incontinence in patients 18 years and older


* On January 7, 2016, Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (Sobi) announced that the company has gained commercial rights from the Swiss based company PharmaSwiss SA, to distribute Relistor®, Deflux® and Solesta® in a territory including Western Europe, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and also for Relistor® in Russia. Sobi will handle all commercial activities in the territory including launch, market and patient access and promotion activities, while PharmaSwiss will be responsible for manufacturing, providing the finished products and products' information.
The three new products that Sobi will distribute, one pharmaceutical and two medical devices, are all approved for specialty care indications:
Relistor® (methylnaltrexone bromide) is indicated for treatment of opioid-induced constipation when response to laxative therapy has not been sufficient in adult patients, aged 18 years and older
Deflux® is indicated for treatment of children with vesicoureteral reflux
Solesta® is indicated for the treatment of faecal incontinence in patients 18 years and older who have failed conservative therapy
In June 2013, Sobi announced its first distribution agreement with PharmaSwiss to market the products Megace®, Monopril®, Cefzil® and Duricef® approved for the treatment of indications within the oncology, cardio-vascular and anti-infective therapy areas.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes