

Date: 2015-12-17

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Reneuron (UK)

Therapeutic area: Regenerative Medicine

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* On December 17, 2015, ReNeuron Group announced that it has held the inaugural meeting of its newly-established Scientific Advisory Board, which comprises nine leading academics and industry executives with a world-class breadth of expertise across the Company’s areas of operation. The meeting was chaired by Dr Mike Owen, who was recently appointed as a Non-executive Director of the Company.
The SAB comprises the following members:
- Dr Mike Owen, Chair
- Professor Sir Colin Blakemore, Professor of Neuroscience & Philosophy at the School of Advanced Study, University of London, and Emeritus Professor of Neuroscience at Oxford
- Dr Marie Csete, currently President & Chief Scientist of the non-profit Huntington Medical Research Institutes,
- Professor Trevor Jones, founder Chairman of ReNeuron and Chairman of Simbec-Orion Research Ltd (UK)
- Dr. Thomas Lönngren, former Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency, EMA
- Professor Chris Mason, Professor of Regenerative Medicine Bioprocessing in the Advanced Centre for Biochemical Engineering, University College London working on the clinical translation and commercialization of cell and gene therapies
- Professor Jack Price, Professor of Developmental Neurobiology and Head of the Cells & Behaviour Unit at the Institute of Psychiatry Psychology & Neuroscience, King\'s College London
- Dr Mahendra S Rao, VP of strategic Affairs at Q therapeutics and consultant on Regenerative Medicine for the New York Stem Cell Foundation 
 - Dr Lee L Rubin. 
The Scientific Advisory Board will provide insight and counsel across ReNeuron’s therapeutic programmes and broader research and development activities. Its role is to advise the Company on strategic matters relating to its scientific and commercial agenda: in particular, the future direction of cell therapy, links to academic, regulatory and industrial organisations and relationships with government bodies, the media and the public, both in the UK and internationally. It is expected that the SAB will meet biannually.

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Is general: Yes