

Date: 2013-11-08

Type of information: Nomination


Company: ImmunID (France)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic - Cancer - Oncology

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* On November 8, 2013, ImmunID announced that Dr Jérôme Galon, a leading Cancer Immunologist who initiated the Immunoscore worldwide taskforce, is joining its Scientific Advisory Board. Jérôme Galon is Research Director at INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) and leader of the INSERM Integrative Cancer Immunology laboratory at the Cordeliers Research Centre in Paris, France. He is one of the major contributors to the evolving understanding of the tumor microenvironment and of the dynamics of human immune response. His laboratory has developed and demonstrated the importance of immune contexture in cancer development and defined the Immunoscore as a new method for routine clinical assessment of cancer prognosis. Dr Galon has been awarded several national and international prizes in France and the United States and authored many scientific papers. He obtained his Ph.D. in Pr WH Fridman’s lab at the Curie Institute, Paris, France and performed his post-doctoral research in Dr JJ. O\'Shea’s research group at the NIH in Bethesda, MD, USA.

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Is general: Yes