

Date: 2013-07-24

Type of information: Nomination


Company: ImmunID (France)

Therapeutic area: Diagnostic - Cancer - Oncology

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* On July 24, 2013,  ImmunID, a French company specialised in molecular immune diagnostics, announced the appointment of Dr. Bernhard Sixt as president and chief executive officer. Dr. Sixt is co-founder and former CEO of Agendia, a leading molecular diagnostics company. Dr. Nicolas Pasqual, ImmunID’s co-founder and former chief executive officer, has been appointed chief scientific officer.
Dr. Sixt has over 25 years of pharmaceutical industry experience in the development and commercialization of laboratory services, in vivo and in vitro diagnostics, and pharmaceuticals for industry leaders such as Amersham (now part of GE Healthcare), and Nycomed (now part of Takeda). He is a co-founder of Agendia and has served as the company’s CEO from 2003 until 2011. Dr. Sixt holds a Master of Science degree in Biochemistry and Chemistry from Ludwig Maximilians University, and a PhD from the Technical University, both in Munich, Germany.

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Is general: Yes