

Date: 2015-06-08

Type of information: Distribution agreement


Company: Novasep (France) Allied Laboratories (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

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* On June 8, 2015, Novasep announced it is expanding its presence in Asia by signing two partnership agreements for the Japanese market. The first agreement was signed with Allied Laboratories. Allied Laboratories is a consulting firm for life science and specialty chemical industries, based at Kobe Biomedical Innovation Cluster, Kobe, Japan. Allied offers full CMC consultation services from development phase to commercial stage for leading pharma, bio-pharma and specialty chemicals clients.  Allied Laboratories now provides business development and technical services for Novasep Prochrom®, Hipersep®, Varicol®, SupersepTM and BioSC® chromatography and bio-process equipment in the Japanese market in close co-operation with Novasep Asia, the company’s Shanghai-based process development and engineering center.

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Is general: Yes