

Date: 2015-12-08

Type of information: Collaboration agreement


Company: BMS (USA - NY) Princeton University (USA - NJ)

Therapeutic area:

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* On December 8, 2015, BMS and the Department of Chemistry at Princeton University announced a new research collaboration, which includes the establishment of the Center for Molecular Synthesis (BMS-CMS). The agreement creates opportunities for scientists at Princeton University and BMS to collaborate on top-flight synthetic chemistry research, leveraging the two sites’ close proximity to foster a robust exchange of scientific ideas. The research projects will investigate areas of mutual interest and benefit, utilizing the expertise developed in the laboratories of the Princeton faculty to conduct frontier science within the pharmaceutical industry. Over the next five years, the Center will also fund a select group of research fellows each year. Each research fellow will be paired with a BMS mentor who will provide scientific guidance to the researcher and offer valuable input from an industrial chemistry perspective. Fellows will also be able to interact with a variety of industrial researchers and learn firsthand how research is conducted in a pharmaceutical setting.

Financial terms:

Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes