

Date: 2015-12-21

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Theravectys (France)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Infectious diseases

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* On December 21, 2015, Theravectys, a biotechnology company specializing in the development of therapeutic vaccines and immunotherapies based on lentiviral vectors, announced the appointment of Dr. Alain Clergeot as CEO. In 1998, Alain Clergeot created the French structure of Japanese Chugai Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. before taking, in 2001, the Presidency of Chugai Pharma France and the European Operating Division in 2008. He is Vice President and Co-Founder of Leem Biotech, member of the Evaluation Committee of Paris-Biotech and former member of the Economic Committee, ethical and social (CEES) of the High Council of biotechnology. As CEO, Alain Clergeot brings his medical, clinical and operational expertise to further develop Theravectys as leader of immunotherapy against cancer and infectious diseases.

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Is general: Yes