

Date: 2015-11-04

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Galapagos (Belgium)

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* On November 4, 2015, Galapagos announced the appointment of Dr. Christine Mummery to its Board of Directors as an independent non-executive director. Galapagos’ Board of Directors has appointed Dr. Mummery to fill the vacancy that has arisen on the Board as a result of the resignation of Dr. Vicky Sato on 31 December 2014. As of 2008, Dr. Christine Mummery is Professor of Developmental Biology and Chair of the Department of Anatomy and Embryology at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) in The Netherlands. After her PhD in BioPhysics at London University, she was postdoctoral fellow at the Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht, later also staff member and group leader. She became Professor at the Interuniversity Cardiology of the Netherlands (ICIN) at the University Medical Centre Utrecht in 2002. In 2007, she was a joint Harvard Stem Cell Institute/Radcliffe fellow at Harvard and
Massachusetts General Hospital at the time human induced pluripotent stem cells were being developed and was the first to derive iPSC lines from patients. Her primary research focus is currently the development and use of stem cells in cardiovascular development and disease. She served on the Ethical Councils of the Ministry of Health, is member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), editor in chief/editorial board member of several journals, former board member of ISSCR and past-president of the International Society of Differentiation.
In addition, she is on the board of ZonMW (Dutch Medical Research Council) and chairs the executive board of the hDMT Institute for human Organ and Disease Model technologies, a nonprofit R&D institute of which Galapagos is a founding partner.

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