

Date: 2016-12-07

Type of information: Milestone

Compound: PEM (Protein Epitope Mimetic) drug discovery technology

Company: Polyphor (Switzerland) Novartis (Switzerland)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

Type agreement: R&D, research

Action mechanism:



  • • On December 1, 2015, Polyphor announced the extension of its R&D collaboration with Novartis focused on Polyphor’s PEM (Protein Epitope Mimetic) drug discovery technology. Under the terms of the extension the parties will work together towards the nomination of a clinical PEM macrocycle drug candidate. Polyphor will receive funding for its research and development activities related to the collaboration project and will be eligible for preclinical and clinical development milestones and royalties on the commercial sales of approved products. Novartis is responsible for clinical development and commercialization.

Financial terms:

Latest news: • On December 7, 2016, Polyphor announced the achievement of a pre-clinical milestone and the extension of its R&D collaboration with Novartis triggering an undisclosed milestone payment. In this collaboration Polyphor applies its macrocycle platform to challenging targets selected by Novartis. The parties will now enter into the lead optimization phase and work together towards the nomination of pre-clinical development drug candidates. Polyphor will apply its macrocycle medicinal chemistry expertise while Novartis will be responsible for pre-clinical and clinical development, and commercialization.

Is general: Yes