

Date: 2015-11-19

Type of information: R&D agreement


Company: Ipsen (France) Interprotein Corporation (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Endocrinological diseases - Hormonal diseases - Rare diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: endocrinological diseases such as Cushing\'s disease


* On November 19, 2015, Ipsen and Interprotein Corporation, a Japanese R&D focused biotechnology company, announced that they have signed a research collaboration and an option agreement to develop and commercialize new therapeutic peptides intended for serious medical conditions in endocrinology, such as Cushing’s disease. Under the terms of the agreement, Ipsen will combine its expertise in design and development of therapeutic peptides targeting specific receptors with Interprotein’s ProteinProtein Interaction (PPI) and helix-loop-helix-peptide (HLHP) technologies.
“Our intention is for this partnership between Ipsen and Interprotein to potentially provide an innovative solution to improve quality of life of patients with serious diseases, and consequently reinforce the value of HLHP as therapeutic PPI inhibitors“, said
Hirotsugu Komatsu, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer at Interprotein.

Financial terms:

Under the financial terms of the agreement, should Ipsen exercise its option and fully develop the compound(s), payments to Interprotein could reach up to €165 million, in upfront, success-driven R&D, regulatory and commercial milestones, with additional royalties on world-wide annual net sales.

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Is general: Yes