

Date: 2015-09-23

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Abivax (France)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

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* On September 23, 2015, Abivax announced the appointment of Dr. Jean-Marc Steens, M.D. as its Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Steens joins Abivax with almost three decades of experience in the biopharmaceutical industry. During these years, he held critical leadership roles with a focus on viral diseases (especially HIV/AIDS, but also hepatitis B) in both global clinical development and medical affairs. Furthermore, he has lived and worked in Europe and in the Unites States, and has had roles whose scope also included developing markets.
Dr. Steens completed his medical education as well as a post-doctoral degree in Public Health at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. He began his career at Sandoz in Belgium and subsequently joined Glaxo where he stayed for more than 20 years and carried extensive responsibilities for the global clinical development, medical affairs and access programs for novel therapies and vaccines for HIV and other infectious diseases. In 2009, Dr. Steens was appointed to the post of Vice President and International Medical Director of ViiV Healthcare, with responsibility for establishing and managing medical departments across Eastern Europe, Asia and Latin America. In this capacity, he was ViiV Healthcare’s appointed liaison with guideline bodies including the WHO and the Medical Research Council (UK). Since 2013, Dr. Steens has consulted to various Biopharmaceutical companies, including Novartis. Also, Dr. Steens is a member of the HIV advisory boards and steering committees of several global and national healthcare organizations such as the WHO and the National Institutes of Health (US).

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