

Date: 2015-09-15

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Abivax (France)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

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* On September 15, 2015, Abivax announced the appointment of Antonino Ligresti, MD and Dominique Costantini, MD to its board of directors. Dr. Ligresti, replaces Jérôme Gallot who resigned from the board effective 6th July 2015, and will represent Santé Holding Srl, an anchor investor in Abivax’s recent IPO. Dr. Costantini will take the board seat of Miguel Sieler, who resigned from the board effective 6 th September 2015.
Dr. Antonino Ligresti has extensive experience in the healthcare field and in market access issues. He is a medical doctor and surgeon, specialized in internal medicine and cardiology. He began his career at the medical clinic of the University of Milan, and later moved to the Fatebenefratelli Hospital, also in Milan. In 1979, he created the first private hospital group in Italy, recognized for the quality of medical care it provided, as well as for its research and teaching collaboration with universities. He sold the group in 2000. A major shareholder and member of the Board of Directors at Générale de Santé since 2003, he became chairman of its supervisory board in March 2004, and then chairman of the board of directors in 2011. Dr. Ligresti, through Santé Holding Srl, sold his stake in Générale de Santé to Ramsay, an Australian health care group, in October 2014. Ramsay Générale de Santé is currently the largest private hospital group in France, accounting for 16% of private hospitalizations in the country.
Among his many other roles in the health care sector, Dr. Ligresti was a member of the Executive Committee of the European Institute of Oncology, Chairman of the Générale de Santé Foundation, as well as Chairman of its Medical Committee. Dr. Ligresti will play a key role in ABIVAX’s market access and business development.
Dr. Dominique Costantini, a senior executive and CEO, is a medical doctor with a degree in immunology from Necker Paris V, has more than 20 years of experience in the pharma/biotech industry including key positions at HMR (now Sanofi) across a number of functions and business units. She is the co-founder and CEO of OSE Pharma (listed on Euronext Paris in 2015), an innovative company focused on therapeutic vaccines to treat cancer, which is currently entering clinical phase III for advanced lung cancers.
Prior to OSE Pharma, Dr. Costantini founded Onxeo (originally named BioAlliance Pharma) in 1997, a company focused on oncology and supportive care with drug delivery technologies. She took the company public in 2005, and was CEO until 2011. During her tenure at BioAlliance Pharma, in addition to the IPO, Dr. Costantini raised funds from major VC firms, and carried out a private placement for total investments of more than €100m. She also secured more than €150m and significant royalties from industrial partnerships with companies in Europe, the United States and Asia.

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