

Date: 2015-04-22

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Sygnis (Germany)

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* On April 22, 2015, Sygnis announced that Dr. Miguel-Antonio Viribay has joined Sygnis and will assume responsibility for the further development, implementation and execution of sales and marketing strategies as Vice President Sales and Marketing. Dr. Viribay has over 16 years of successful international experience in the biotech industry. He held executive positions in the sales and marketing departments of leading American companies operating in Southern Europe, such as Life Technologies, Agilent or, more recently, Thermo Fisher. All these companies specialize in products for molecular biology and next generation sequencing, priority areas also for Sygnis. Mr. Viribay holds a PhD in Molecular Genetics.
In his newly created position as Vice President Sales and Marketing, Dr. Viribay will be responsible for deepening the marketing approach, based on direct sale of SYGNIS products as well as on agreements with sygnis\' distribution partners worldwide, developing new business and sales strategies, and promoting online sales in order to boost international sales, especially in the European and US markets.

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Is general: Yes