

Date: 2015-04-17

Type of information: Nomination


Company: CEVEC Pharmaceuticals (Germany)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

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* On April 17, 2015, Cevec Pharmaceuticals, a provider of novel human cell expression systems, announced the appointment of Frank Ubags as Chief Executive Officer starting immediately. He replaces Wolfgang Kintzel who is moving into the investor side of the life sciences industry. He will continue to serve as an advisor to CEVEC.

Frank Ubags joined Cevec in October 2014 as Chief Operating Officer and Managing Director. He has over 35 years of leadership experience in renowned companies. He has successfully executed major financing transactions, turn around projects, and initiated and executed major M&A transactions in both acquiring and selling companies. Frank joined the life sciences industry in 1997 as CFO of Rhein Biotech, where he led the 1999 IPO and was responsible for the transformation of Rhein Biotech into a vaccines company followed by, two years later, a trade sale to Berna Biotech. In addition, Frank’s experience has included CEO, COO and CFO positions in companies such as the German Rhein Biotech operation, Kiadis Pharma and Scil Proteins. Frank holds several advisory positions in the field of protein production.

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