

Date: 2015-09-18

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Momenta Pharmaceuticals (USA - MA)

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* On September 18, 2015, Momenta Pharmaceuticals, a biotechnology company specializing in the characterization and engineering of complex drugs, announced the appointment of Georges Gemayel , Ph.D. to its Board of Directors effective January 1, 2016 . Dr. Gemayel has over 25 years of experience in the global biopharmaceutical industry including management and executive positions at biopharmaceutical companies such as Roche Labs , Genzyme and Altus Pharmaceuticals .

Dr. Gemayel has been a consultant for several biotechnology companies and venture capital funds since 2010. Prior to that he was President and CEO of Altus Pharmaceuticals from 2008 to 2009. From 2003 to 2008, he was Executive Vice President at Genzyme Corporation where he was responsible for the company\'s worldwide therapeutics businesses. From 1988 to 2003, he held progressively senior roles at Hoffmann La-Roche and Roche Labs . Dr. Gemayel currently serves on the Board of Directors of the publically listed companies Raptor Pharmaceutical Corp. and Supernus Pharmaceuticals and of Dimension Therapeutics, a privately owned company. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of privately owned biotechnology companies Orphazyme, OxThera, and Enterome Bioscience. He previously served on the Board of Directors of NPS Pharmaceuticals , Prosensa , Adolor Corporation , FoldRx, Epitherapeutics and Altus Pharmaceuticals . Dr. Gemayel completed his doctorate in pharmacy at St. Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon , and earned a Ph.D. in pharmacology at Paris-Sud University in Paris, France .

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