

Date: 2015-07-24

Type of information: R&D agreement


Company: Evotec (Germany) Gladstone Institutes (USA)

Therapeutic area: Neurodegenerative diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: Alzheimer’s disease


* On July 24, 2015, Evotec announced that it has become part of a research initiative between a newly established for-profit company of the Gladstone Institutes called Cure Network Ventures, Inc. and Dolby Family Ventures. This initiative bridges the gap between basic science and advanced drug discovery by combining highly innovative research programs with state-of-the-art drug discovery capabilities and a private funding source committed to identifying new therapeutic approaches for Alzheimer’s disease. This unique collaboration initially leverages Evotec’s EVT Execute platform with defined options for transition into EVT Innovate programs. Initially, the initiative will focus on two unique programs that aim to block key mechanisms suspected of promoting abnormal neuronal network activity and cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease, a disease which is affecting approximately 36 million people worldwide and which cannot be cured at the moment. One program will focus on the protein tau that accumulates in brain cells of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and in other neurodegenerative disorders. The other will focus on an important ion channel that may be involved in the generation of detrimental brain rhythms in Alzheimer’s disease and neuropsychiatric conditions.

Financial terms:

No financial details were disclosed.

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Is general: Yes