

Date: 2015-07-06

Type of information: R&D agreement


Company: Innate Pharma (France) Paoli-Calmettes Institute (France)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

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* On July 6, 2015, the Paoli Calmettes Institute (IPC), a private not-for-profit comprehensive cancer center in Marseille, France, has initiated a collaboration with Innate Pharma, a biopharmaceutical company based in Marseille, to conduct translational research aimed at identifying specific populations of patients with hematological cancers who may benefit most from treatment with Innate Pharma\'s novel proprietary antibodies, and to identify associated biomarkers. The collaboration will operate under the direction of Pr. Daniel Olive, Head of the Immunity and Cancer research team and of the immune monitoring platform at IPC, and Pascale André, Senior Director, R&D, at Innate Pharma. It will also involve drug-discovery research teams and experts in translational research at IPC, including Pr. Norbert Vey and Pr. Anthony Gonçalvès, and other scientists with expertise in converting promising drug discoveries into clinical treatments for cancer patients.

Under the terms of the collaboration agreement, IPC will test Innate Pharma\'s new therapeutic antibodies in immuno-oncology using IPC\'s extensive biological resource collection. Innate Pharma\'s antibodies are designed to block immune checkpoints. These immune checkpoints interfere with the natural defense mechanisms of our immune system against cancer and regulate immunosuppressive mechanisms. Their blockade can unleash the patient\'s immune system to recognize and eliminate cancer cells. However, only a fraction of patients respond to current immune checkpoint inhibitors, and identifying the population of patients most likely to respond to various checkpoint blockers would be of great interest. This R&D collaboration will facilitate the development of novel therapeutic antibodies by identifying the best suited patient population and indications for a given drug.


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Is general: Yes