

Date: 2015-07-01

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Hybrigenics (France)

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* On July 1, 2015, Hybrigenics, a bio-pharmaceutical company with a focus on research and development of new treatments against proliferative diseases and specialized in proteomic and genomic scientific services, announced the elections of Dr. Alain Munoz as Chairman of its Board and of Mr. Mogens Vang Rasmussen as an independent Director. Dr. Munoz joined Hybrigenics’ Board in 2011 as a Director especially in charge of clinical development. Now that inecalcitol enters a phase of clinical development both in Europe and the USA, Dr. Munoz replaces as Chairman Mr. Daan Ellens, who was not candidate for re-election after ten years of chairmanship. Dr. Munoz has received his medical degrees as a physician specialized in cardiology, anaesthesiology and intensive care. He completed financial and management trainings at CRC (Jouy-en-Josas, France) and IMD (Lausanne, Switzerland). Dr. Munoz started his career as resident and then head of clinical department of cardiology at the University Hospital of Montpellier (France). Next, he joined Sanofi’s research as head of the cardiovascular department, then project leader of the cardiovascular-antithrombotic range of products before being appointed vice-president of international development. Later, he moved to the Fournier Group as vice-president for R&D, then senior vice-president in charge of the pharmaceutical division. In addition, he has been a member of the scientific committee of the French Drug Agency. Since 2000, Dr. Munoz has developed independent activities in the biopharmaceutical field: entrepreneur, Novagali Pharma’s Chairman, Director of Erytech Pharma and Auris Medical. Under his leadership, numerous drug product registrations were obtained world-wide such as Adenocard®, Plavix®, Cordarone®, Tricor™/Lipanthyl®, Ikervis® and Esclim®. He is also on the Board of several listed companies: Valneva, Zealand Pharma and Genticel. 

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Is general: Yes