

Date: 2011-03-21

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: novel anti-inflammatory drug compounds which affect glucocorticoid receptors in a selective manner.

Company: Karo Bio (Sweden) Zydus Cadila (India)

Therapeutic area: Inflammatory diseases

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Karo Bio and Zydus Cadila have agreed to extend their research collaboration with the purpose to discover and develop novel anti-inflammatory drug compounds which affect glucocorticoid receptors in a selective manner. In early 2008, the two companies initiated a three-year collaboration. The parties have now agreed to extend the collaboration for one year. The aim of the collaboration is to design novel, selective glucocorticoids for the treatment of inflammatory diseases that have as powerful anti-inflammatory properties as conventional glucocorticoid steroids, such as cortisone and similar compounds, but with significantly reduced side effects and thereby the potential for a broader use. Both parties carry their own costs within the collaboration program and share potential rewards.

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Is general: Yes