

Date: 2015-05-19

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: bispecific antibody products using Genmab\'s DuoBody technology platform

Company: Genmab (Denmark) BioNTech (Germany)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:




Action mechanism:

bispecific antibody



* On May 19, 2015, Genmab announced it has entered an agreement with BioNTech AG to jointly research, develop and commercialize bispecific antibody products using Genmab\'s DuoBody technology platform. Under the terms of the agreement, BioNTech will provide proprietary antibodies against key immunomodulatory targets that play an important role in activating the immune system against cancer, while Genmab provides access to its DuoBody technology platform.

Financial terms:

Genmab will pay an upfront fee of $ 10 million to BioNTech and additional potential near-term payments of up to $ 5 million if certain BioNTech assets are selected for further development. If the companies jointly select any product candidates for clinical development, development costs and product ownership will be shared equally going forward. If one of the companies does not wish to move a product candidate forward, the other company is entitled to continue developing the product on predetermined licensing terms. The agreement also includes provisions which will allow the parties to opt out of joint development at key points.

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Is general: Yes