

Date: 2015-03-10

Type of information: Distribution agreement

Compound: TruePrime™ product family

Company: Sygnis (Germany) Ozyme (France)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

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TruePrime™ is the brand name of a revolutionary novel multiple displacement amplification (MDA) technology and one of the key products in Sygnis’ portfolio. TruePrime™ is based on the combination of the recently discovered DNA primase “TthPrimPol” and the extremely processive and high-fidelity Phi29 polymerase to amplify uniformly total genomic DNA for a multitude of applications including next generation sequencing and single cell analysis. The extraordinary strand-displacement capacity of Phi29 polymerase allows TthPrimPol to generate new primers on the displaced strands that are extended by Phi29 DNA pol, resulting in exponential isothermal DNA amplification without the need of any synthetic random primers.
The resulting benefits of this innovative approach are enormous and include the complete absence of common artifacts linked to the use of oligonucleotides, a reduced amplification bias in genome coverage compared to methods using random synthetic primers, a surpassing reliability as contaminating DNA is not amplified and an exquisite reproducibility when DNA is amplified from single mammalian cells. 



* On March 10, 2015, Sygnis announced that it has signed a non-exclusive distribution agreement for its proprietary TruePrime™ product line with Ozyme for France, one of the biggest life science markets in Europe. Under the terms of the agreement, Sygnis has granted Ozyme the non-exclusive rights to promote, market and sell the existing and all future TruePrime™ products to scientists working in the wide field of molecular biology throughout France. TruePrime™ products are based on the combination of the recently discovered DNA primase “TthPrimPol” and the Phi29 polymerase, which allows the amplification of total genomic DNA from smallest amounts of samples down to single cells without the need of random synthetic primers. This is the fifth non-exclusive distribution agreement signed by Sygnis in three months. 

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Is general: Yes