

Date: 2015-06-29

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Proteros biostructures (Germany)

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* On June 29, 2015, Proteros biostructures announced the appointment of Dr. Torsten Hoffmann as Chief Scientific Officer (CSO), effective from July 1st, 2015. In this newly created role at Proteros, he will support the further growth of the Proteros Discovery business and act as Member of the Management Board. Dr. Hoffmann has more than 18 years of international scientific and research management experience. Before joining Proteros, Dr. Hoffmann was Chief Scientific Officer at Denmark-based Zealand Pharma A/S and Head of Discovery Chemistry at Roche in Basel. He is inventor of an anti-emetic medicine which received FDA approval as Akynzeo® in 2014. Under his leadership at Roche more than 20 new chemical entities entered into clinical trials and 52 new chemical lead series were created.
From 2005 to 2013, Dr. Hoffmann assumed increasing responsibility at Roche, including Head of Discovery Chemistry with responsibility for 170 employees at the company\'s headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. At Zealand Pharma he was responsible for all R&D activities of the company and establishing a broad R&D pipeline.

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Is general: Yes