

Date: 2015-08-18

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: DRR2.0 System Technology

Company: Therametrics (Switzerland) Grünenthal (Germany)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

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DRR2.0 is THERAMetrics’ versatile intelligence system for drug repurposing and repositioning, target identification, and safety evaluation, based on syntactic parsing and semantic analysis of biomedical literature and mathematical graph theory representation, leading to generation of novel drug-disease hypotheses. DRR2.0 is currently based on the 24+ million publications available on PubMed and manages information on 4,900 drugs, and 9,400 diseases. It is constantly updated with the ever-growing literature dataset, which can be integrated with Customers\' proprietary, unpublished data, R&D studies and customized dictionary of biomedical entities in order to generate unique, private, tailor-made hypotheses.



* On August 18, 2015, Therametrics announced a collaboration with Grünenthal GmbH, an international, family-owned pharmaceutical company, for the extensive use of the DRR 2.0 software. With this cooperation, the Innovative Medicines Unit (IMU) of Grünenthal will be able to use some of the most advanced hypothesis-generating software tools available in its approach to identify and in-license new drugs. The agreement with Grünenthal GmbH establishes an important next step in the entrepreneurial approach of both companies to leveraging state of the art technology in clinical development.

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Is general: Yes