

Date: 2015-08-18

Type of information: Collaboration agreement


Company: Helix (USA - CA) Mayo Clinic (USA - MN)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

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* On August 18, 2015, Helix, a new company created by Illumina to empower consumers to discover insights into their own genomes, announced a collaboration with the Center for Individualized Medicine at Mayo Clinic. The Center for Individualized Medicine is collaborating with Helix to develop applications initially focused on consumer education and health-related queries. As part of the collaboration, Mayo Clinic also made a strategic investment in Helix.

Helix expects that other partners will develop applications focused on areas such as genealogy, fitness or wellness, and inherited traits to enable insights related to an individual\'s genetics. To support its partners, Helix will establish one of the world\'s largest next-generation sequencing labs and a secure and protected database, all designed in accordance with CLIA, CAP, and HIPAA guidelines. Individuals will be able to control how their data is accessed through a robust and granular consent process. 

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Is general: Yes