

Date: 2015-08-06

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: biosimilar pegfilgrastim

Company: Stada (Germany) Gedeon Richter (Hungary)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:



Action mechanism:

Disease: neutropenia


* On August 6, 2015, Stada Arzneimittel and Gedeon Richter announced that the two companies have signed a license and distribution agreement to commercialize Richter’s biosimilar pegfilgrastim in Europe. According to the agreement Stada receives non exclusive distribution rights for the area of geographical Europe (excluding Russia), while Richter retains its rights to distribute and market biosimilar pegfilgrastim worldwide.


Financial terms:

Under the terms of the agreement in addition to a payment on the event of signing the contract, Stada is obliged to make further payments each depending on the progress of the project. With the start of marketing, Stada will report the resulting sales and make license related further payments to Richter.

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Is general: Yes